Most beautiful location

MTB parcours Schoorlse Duinen

The Schoorl MTB route is known as one of the most beautiful and challenging routes in the country. In 2024, the route was moved and became even more beautiful and exciting. From the Schoorlse Nok through the forest, dunes and heath towards the sea with many elevation meters and exciting descents.

The new MTB course Schoorl 2.0 will be opened in 2024 and is split into 3 separate loops that can also be ridden as one route. South is the purple loop and is labeled as medium difficulty. The orange loop is in the middle and is labeled as a difficult course. The last northernmost loop is green and is also labeled as difficult.

The 11 MTB Commandments of Schoorl 2.0 are at the bottom of this page!

Click on the orange button for the map with the entire course, loops and difficulty levels.

The trail is constructed and maintained by volunteers from MTB Noordwest.

Aaf on Wheels op het MTB parcours van de Schoorlse Duinen

MTB Clinic and/or guide

You can drive the course alone or with family/friends, but the advice is not to drive alone. Don’t know the route? Then book a guide for your first ride. Are you a novice? Book a clinic to improve your technique and get more information about the route.

The starting point is against Bergen and starts right at the Schoorlse Nok, from Camping Buitenduin you can also start a bit further on the route and start slowly and do the Nok at the end.

Information is available at the campsite reception or at:
Aaf on Wheels for a clinic or guide. If you book a clinic with Aaf, you will receive a discount on your bicycle rental at:
MTB verhuur Schoorl to rent a MTB bike, repair and maintenance.

All MTB photos were taken by: Ilse Paulussen

MTB-Noordwest onderhoudt de mountainbike parcours in Duindorp Schoorl en omgeving


The MTB course in Schoorl has been cut down as a result of fires and is being transformed into drifting dunes. The route is therefore partly moved, away from the sea and more towards Schoorl and Groet. This new part will be ready in 2022. The route goes through the wooded and hilly part of the Schoorl dunes. The construction is done with a great aim for sustainability in construction and maintenance and of course with an eye for the wishes of the mountain bikers and the managers. MTB-Northwest maintains the course.

MTB-Noordwest realizes with the help of partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers the maintenance, construction and expansion of regional mountain bike routes, where the course in Schoorl is the most challenging. The mountain bike trails in North Holland are popular and crowded. Due to budget cuts at, among others, Staatsbosbeheer in Schoorl, there is no longer any money for the maintenance of this popular route.
MTB-Noordwest maintains good contact with the managers of mountain bike routes and actively contributes to the maintenance, both financially and physically. Supporting scientific research and providing knowledge is part of this. Always with respect for nature and with sustainable solutions for managers and users.
MTB-Noordwest bears all costs of the relocation, improvement and extension of the route. Would you like to contribute to the maintenance and receive the fabulous MTB Northwest sticker?
Become a donor, click here!

11 Geboden MTB parcours Schoorl 2.0